Techie Tuesdays

Where does the time go??!! I know it’s been ages since I posted anything, but I’ve been so emerged and busy with my designing that I haven’t noticed the days passing! (You all know what I mean). With day to day concerns, obligations, and events….UGH. So, my new year’s resolution is to take more time for techie issues. Every Tuesday is Techie Tuesday: updating, fixing, and participating, etc. in the many tech-based apps and programs that have (apparently) taken over our lives. LOL!

I’ve been trying to focus on time management. Keeping better calendars, hours spent doing certain tasks, etc. And then there’s appointments, and impromptu obligations. It goes on, and on, and on. So if I don’t post my thoughts here every week, I hope you do not feel neglected. I am still hard at work for you all.

I’ve been thinking about adding yarn reviews to this site, considering that is one thing we, as designers, do for a living. One must determine what yarn is best for which project, right? WHAT DO YOU THINK? Let me know your thoughts…

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