My Heartfelt Thoughts For the Day

On this beautiful spring day, my heart has reminded me of something I wish to share and disperse around the world. I recently rewatched The Chronicles of Narnia: Dawntreader and was moved by the end title song, “There’s a Place for Us”, and suddenly had to post my thoughts.

In this strange and confusing time of the Covid-19 situation, I am every hopeful that good can rise from bad. We as individuals, families, friends and communities CAN bring this about by unselfishly banding together in such a way as previous times (i.e., WWII) where everyone “did their part” and had one mind and goal. During this unusual episode in our history, this can be a defining moment in true quality time with our families, uplifting communications with our friends, and the sharing of love, friendship, and worldly goods with those in need. The spirit of giving should truly be extended past Christmas during this time, and all that is ahead!

Think of what can occur!! Our bonds with those we love can become so much stronger. And the ripples of this instilled love and compassion can extend way beyond our imagining. How brilliant our light can shine. How incredible can that action effect the world. My wish is that this can positively influence the world for decades to come. Just think…if our children, at this time, experience an influx of cooperation with, love and caring for others (near and far), what our world will recover?! Can you imagine a better world? How exciting!!

Another thought that coincides with this idea: We all have a destiny. Call it a talent, cause, or calling. And it is up to us, individually, to grab that destiny, and define it, use it, protect it, wield it for the good and betterment of our world. Only then can we feel fulfilled and secure. And each destiny is important. Each counts in the final outcome of our world. If everyone cooperates and works together for the common good, we ALL win!

I am encouraged and wish to compel others to take these words to heart:

(chorus of the Chronicles of Narnia: Dawntreader song)

“We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe
It’s written in the stars that shine above
A world where you and I belong
Where faith and love will keep us strong
Exactly who we are is just enough
There’s a place for us, there’s a place for us”

And like any true-life story, superhero, or adventure movie, there are always dark times, mountains to climb, and evil to overcome. This is a fact of life. But our legacies are determined by the decisions we make, and HOW we overcome these obstacles in our lives. We must also instill this guiding principle to our children for their life’s work and happiness, as well.

Springtime is a time of renewal. May we all be open to review our lives and inhabit our destinies. And in that spirit, I pray that everyone is safe and happy. I also pray that our world bands together to do what is right, what is fair, and to “fight the good fight” for the future well-being of all its inhabitants. I love you all!

Techie Tuesdays

Where does the time go??!! I know it’s been ages since I posted anything, but I’ve been so emerged and busy with my designing that I haven’t noticed the days passing! (You all know what I mean). With day to day concerns, obligations, and events….UGH. So, my new year’s resolution is to take more time for techie issues. Every Tuesday is Techie Tuesday: updating, fixing, and participating, etc. in the many tech-based apps and programs that have (apparently) taken over our lives. LOL!

I’ve been trying to focus on time management. Keeping better calendars, hours spent doing certain tasks, etc. And then there’s appointments, and impromptu obligations. It goes on, and on, and on. So if I don’t post my thoughts here every week, I hope you do not feel neglected. I am still hard at work for you all.

I’ve been thinking about adding yarn reviews to this site, considering that is one thing we, as designers, do for a living. One must determine what yarn is best for which project, right? WHAT DO YOU THINK? Let me know your thoughts…

The World Inside of Me

I dreamt of a world with no hate,

A shield of love expanding round the earth,

Each person’s soul indwelling,

Disease and want eradicated at birth.


I dreamt of help and hope everlasting,

No being shall ever want,

Kind words are always spoken,

Disdaining actions shall never haunt.


For me, the solutions are simple,

Though for many, not so few,

It all begins with the love,

That is within me, and you.


Let us each strive to help the broken,

To listen to whom we disagree,

To work towards resolution,

Without thought of a fee.


As I sit in the sweet silence,

My eternal hope to find,

The catalyst which evades us,

The blossoming of the mind.


I’m forever grateful,

For the flashes of grace I see,

And pray that we can realize,

This world inside of me.

– Rhonda Black

2015 All rights reserved

World Inside Me

Knitting Diva’s wRAPsody

I am the Knitting Diva

And I’m here to say,

I don’t bother usin’ Oil of Olay.

Knitting keeps me young,

Don’t diss my routine,

Happy as a Scot with a bowl of Poitin!

Drivin’ to my favorite LYS,

I get inspired by the wool, alpaca,


The sheen of a silky skein

Catches my eye.

“Put me down for 100,

Okay, that’s a bit high.”

Skippin’ to my door

With a jig in my step, I think,

“Hey, I haven’t tried that brioche stitch yet!”

Short rows,

Long rows,

The day slips by.

I’m so freakin’ happy,

It makes me cry.

I look at the clock…

“Just one more row,

I’m just about done

And then it’s time to go.”

Late to bed,

Early to rise,

“I gotta get this done

If it kills me,” I cry.

Finally snip the yarn

And jump for joy,

“It’s a shawl that’s worthy

of  Helen of Troy!”



©2012 Rhonda L. Black, Elegant Knit Designs

Mermaids’ Memory

I’ve recently posted a design in my store!
Check it out at

This women’s garment was inspired by an old story of a mermaid that was captured by, and fell in love with, an Irish fisherman. Upon their marriage, she tells him that if anyone finds her hidden crown, the spell would be broken and she would have to return to the sea. Years later, as her children are playing, they stumble upon the beautiful crown. The mother mournfully takes the children aside and explains how much she loves them, but that she must return to the sea from which she came. In this design, the colorway and gentle draping of the back is reminiscent of the oceanic waters, while the frill borders represent the graceful mermaids’ tail; the lace body mimics the fisherman’s net.

The Mermaids’ Memory Wrap-Cardi is loose-fitting, sports a comfortable amount of ease, and is easily constructed; making it a perfect first garment for the adventurous knitter wishing to advance his/her skills in knitting a lace garment. Pattern offers various options of finishing and wearing the wrap-cardi. Works well with most worsted yarns, but ones that include silk, soy, cashmere, mohair, and angora are especially beautiful!

A portion of all sales we go to various charities, including: American Red Cross, Salvation Army, Wounded Warriors, and Heifer International.

Help is Needed…Make a Difference

By now, everyone knows that Sandy has landed and the devastation it has wrought. Many of us that safely escaped its wrath are still worried about friends and family that were not so lucky. We are worried about their safety and well-being and frustrated by the broken lines of communication. When we are feeling helpless and don’t know what to do, the Red Cross is right there in the middle of the fray, doing what they do best…seeing that loved ones are fed, warm, and sheltered from the effects of the storm and aftermath. I know, first-hand, that this wonderful organization provides hope and comfort during dark, bleak times. And donating to this INTERNATIONAL group of heroes helps one make a difference, even if we can’t personally be there. Please join me in donating to the Red Cross and make a difference in this international effort. Don’t feel helpless..make an impact!! Donate today!

Click here to Donate

From One Who Cares

Baby Polar Bear

Who wouldn’t want to protect this little guy? I’m usually a happy go-lucky person and love to laugh, but my nephew sent this to me last night and it touched my heart so much that I had to reiterate my desperate call to humanity. I’m not an official “tree-hugger” but I definitely feel that our pop culture, media-driven lifestyle has caused us to lose sight of the truly important things in life. It worries me. What kind of lessons are we teaching the next generation? These are some of the fundamentals I believe we should pass on:

LOVE those around you, be they large or small, black or white, known or unknown. Respect breeds tolerance. Spread love and understanding and it will come back to you.

EDUCATE. No matter what the subject, education leads us all to a better understanding of the world around us. It provides the basic structure with which one lives up to one’s full potential and inspires to create a better existence for all. Share what you know with everyone you meet. It doesn’t have to be scientific in nature. You can share your love of cooking and still make an impact. It’s the human contact and reaching out to one another, the basic elements of our humanity.

INSPIRE others to reach for the stars and make their dreams a reality. Tempered with love, guidance toward helping others reach their goals will benefit not only that person, but has the potential to reach around the globe. I can’t stress enough how each person effects the next, even if we don’t know it, and has the ability to change the course of history (whether it be small- or large-scale). What kind of personal influences did a person on death row experience compared to Stephen Hawking? Positive or negative, you have the choice. Choose positive and inspire those around you.

I know that we cannot be perfect. Human nature does not permit. But if we all make a positive effort every day to uphold these principles, the rewards will be far-reaching and phenomenal. MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!

My Kitty is Obsessed with Yarn

My son and I went on a buying trip yesterday and we got home rather late. I walked in the door, set my bags down on the table and tied the handles to “Holly-proof” them overnight and proceeded to get ready for bed. You see Holly, being the kitty she is, LOVES yarn. Maybe as much as I do. She rubs and rolls in it, licks it and pounces on it. I’ve made several kitty toys and she loves them. I have to use project bags that zip or tie closed or Holly will rambunctiously ravage around IN the bag. She still knows where the opening is but (moah-ha-ha) doesn’t have the fingers to untie the knots. It’s not uncommon for her to jump into the project bag I’m working with and roll around for awhile, knead it for bit, and fall asleep. Anyway…I’m drowsily making the morning coffee and I hear some bags rustling. Looking towards the table, I find Holly rolling and pawing on the bags of new yarn with the same look as when she has catnip! It was so cute. I turn around to continue making the coffee and suddenly hear more comotion. I observe Holly, with a determined and flustered expression, biting and RIPPING the bags, attempting to squeeze her head in and grab some yarn in her mouth. This is nothing new. She has grabbed my project bag and dragged it off, as if a lioness with her kill. I know that felines typically love this twisted fiber, but I think my Holly is as obsessed with yarn as I am! What do you think?

Ode to Yarn by Rhonda L Black

Soft as a whisper,

You beckon me hither,

To imagine what you could be.

Gentle of hand,

I see writ on your band,

Lest you might falter in caring for me.

Though my needles be fast,

Your hunger amassed,

I quicken the pace of creation.

And I dream of a time,

When your heart and mine,

Will be showcased forever

In others’ infatuation.

Happy ‘I Love Yarn’ Day, everyone!